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Acupuncture pictures
Naturopathic medicine
Dr. Wang
Dr. Wang is a licensed primary care physician, naturopathic doctor, and acupuncturist in Washington state. He emphasizes the prevention of diseases; treating the patient as a whole person rather than treating only the symptoms. He promotes a healthy lifestyle and educates his patients about having a nutritious and balanced diet and a positive outlook on life. Dr. Wang also uses acupuncture to activate the patient's natural healing power to treat and prevent disease.
This integrative medicine will cover a broad spectrum of diseases such as:
Chronic endocrine system disorders
Cardiovascular illnesses
All kinds of pain
Gynecological disorders
Gastrointestinal diseases
Circulatory disorders
Addictions (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs etc.)
Allergies and Asthma
Dermatological disorders
Neurological disorders
Psychological disorders
Dr. Wang believes that integrative medicine will serve his patients better than any single modality.
Latest Clinic News:
Dr. Wang will soon regularly publish his mini articles on here or on his YouTube Channel. Check his social media accounts for constant updates!
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